Sunday, September 30, 2007

Friday, September 21, 2007

Koala My Dreams



He's getting so good with the sippy cup. He throws his head back with great exuberance, sometimes tossing the cup in the process.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Thank you, Auntie Jill!

This lovely monkey onesie reminds me of that one birthday some years ago and of Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb. Hand in hand more monkeys come!

Prison Break

In the Baby Feeder

He's getting better and better with finger foods. Cheerios are a big hit, as are the nibbler puffs that Nana sent. Unfortunately, the dog now cirlces while he eats and he's taken to dropping food down to her since she snaps it right up. We have to work on that, though it is funny to watch.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Happy Nine Month Birthday!

We went out for ice cream and gave him his own dish of French vanilla and whipped cream.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Bobbing and Weaving

The Walkers

Right now, he's more fond of sitting in front of this and playing with the bells and whistles. When he does try to walk with it, he'll take a step but then lean forward so it goes too far in front. He's then stuck with his butt way out behind him and no way to move except down.

Baby Pattern Fuzziness

Profiles in Bud-aciousness

With high smoochability quotient.